
Demonstration project of bioleaching drying and biomass incineration of Taihu New City sewage treatment plant

Item Display > Municipal and industrial sludge treatment and disposal > Demonstration project of bioleaching drying and biomass incineration of Taihu New City sewage treatment plant

Demonstration project of bioleaching drying and biomass incineration of Taihu New City sewage treatment plant

Sewage treatment scale: 50,000 tons/day
Sludge treatment scale: 30 tons/day
Owner: Sludge of Wuxi Drainage Company
Treatment process: bioleaching deep dehydration + biomass combustion
Production date: August 2010
Project Overview: Taihu New City Sewage Treatment Plant currently (as of August 2012) sewage treatment scale: 150,000 m3/d, bioleaching sludge treatment scale: The residual sludge produced by 50,000 m3/d sewage has a sludge moisture content of 95? 98% before treatment and 55 ~ 60% after bioleaching. The project was put into operation in August 2010. The project was selected as "2011 Sludge Treatment and Disposal Case of Special Concern" by the Sludge Industry Promotion Alliance.